How We Manage Sustainability

Embedding sustainability within Armstrong

Our Operating Principles, Corporate Governance Principles and ongoing stakeholder engagement form the backbone of our sustainability program. We empower our teams with ongoing sustainability education, training and hands-on collaboration opportunities that help us continue to provide product solutions that leave a positive impact.

Corporate Governance

For more information on our approach to corporate governance and our latest SEC filings, please consult our Governance and Financials web pages.

Materiality Analysis

For more details on the materiality analysis, including a description of the process and issue definitions, click the Materiality button below.

Enterprise Risk

In 2023, we conducted a company-level physical asset risk analysis for climate change scenarios within the TCFD framework.

ESG Accountability

We have further enhanced and embedded how we manage environmental, social and governance issues within Armstrong. The Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee of our Board of Directors is responsible for the oversight of our sustainability program, including climate-related issues. Our Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer holds direct responsibility for sustainability, while functional leadership falls under our dedicated sustainability team, led by the Vice President of Sustainability. A Sustainability Council, with People, Product and Planet pillar leaders, embeds and implements our sustainability initiatives throughout the organization, with the help of cross-functional pillar teams and topic-specific committees.

Also in ESG Governance

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