Our Sustainability Goals and Targets

Planning for 2030

We have established nine goals under our three sustainability pillars. They reflect our evolving materiality analysis and align with the UN SDGs and other reporting frameworks. Armstrong continues to work toward our 2030 targets. 

Healthy and Circular Products

Goal Target Target date
Sustainably sourced products 100% of our products free of chemicals of concern.  2030
100% of our products have verified transparency. 2030
100% of our material sourcing activities evaluated for social, ethical and  environmental performance.  2030
Circular products 50% of our products have a viable path to be recycled, reused or repurposed. 2030
Reduced carbon & water footprint 50% reduction in the carbon footprint of our products, compared with a 2019 baseline. 2030
20% reduction in the water intensity of our products, compared to a 2019 baseline.  2030

Healthy Planet

Goal Target Target date
Reduced carbon footprint  30% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from a 2019 baseline, in accordance with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), allowing us to meet a well below 2oC scenario.  2030
100% of our electricity needs sourced directly or indirectly from renewable energy. 2030
Circular systems  50% reduction in absolute waste from our operations, from a 2019 baseline.  2030
Optimized water  100% of our water management practices include measures designed to minimize usage and environmental discharge.  2030

Thriving People & Communities

Goal Target Target date
Community engagement Locations formally engaged in local community outreach. Ongoing
Employees offered opportunities to actively engage in their communities. Ongoing
Increased community engagement scores year over year. Ongoing
Diverse & inclusive workforce Employees receive training or engagement on diversity and inclusion topics on a regular basis. Ongoing
Locations have a representative diverse workforce. Ongoing
Employees have a meaningful and safe opportunity to share their views on topics that matter to them. Ongoing
Safe & healthy employees Employees offered tools and resources to improve their financial, physical and mental health and well-being. Ongoing
Employees offered learning and development opportunities annually. Ongoing
Improved workplace safety scores year over year, while we strive to have zero workplace injuries. Ongoing
Employees offered at least a fair wage, to be defined as competitive total rewards based on position and location. Ongoing

Also in ESG Governance

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